I am going to try and atleast update my blog once a month that is my goal. I have been so busy lately that it is hard to find time to sit down and use the computer to just blog. I do use facebook which seems to be faster for me to just pop in leave a quick note and scram so if you use facebook let me know and I will add you :)
So what has been happening in our little part of the world. I am still working at running the daycare. I am down to only have two girls right now, but this summer I am lookng at having 5-6 kids woo hoo I am crossing my fingers cause money is so tight everywhere right now. Jason is working in spokane so it has been hard on Jaydin me and myself cause he is gone all week and only home on the weekends. It is starting to wear really thin on my nerves now too. Jaydin is doing great in school and now is involved in Kick Boxing with the parks and rec department. It is a 6 week course and if he still ikes it afterwards then we will sign him up with the dojo (I think that is how you spell it).
SCA life is happening again. Tournament season has started and we have already been to 3 events and have been having fun. Two of the those events we camped and froze our touchies off but we had alot of fun. The past event we went to was in Waitsburg, Wa and they had the Youth Armor Combat tournament and Jaydin particiapted in it. He fought against 5 other kids his own age and some a year older and he won the tournament. So he is now the Canton of Akornebir YAC Champion. He is so excited with this title and is looking forward to going back next year to defend his title. Jaydin all suited up and ready to fight. He just built his own sword for this tournament out of 3/4 inch rattan and pipe insulation for some padding. I dont know how the boys do this.. cause it hurts when you get hit.. but he loves it!
About Me
- Heather Parchen
- Lets see, I am a pretty laid back easy going person. I have been married to my prince charming now for 10 years. I have a great 9 year old son named Jaydin who is the light of my life. I love to spend time with him and watch him learn new things. My hobbies are sewing which actually relaxes me and people think that is just crazy. I am involved in the Society for Creative Anachronism, where we recreate the middle ages. It is alot of fun as we get to basically go camping every weekend with friends and family. I enjoy Luceting and doing Inkle Weaving. Family!!! I am a big family person. My family comes first in my life and so do my friends. I was raised in a big family where we all knew each other (cousins, aunts, uncles etc) and always tried to get together for holidays.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I am trying...
Posted by Heather Parchen at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Where did the time go?
Where did the time go? I was just looking at pictures and thinking wow I can not believe that Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas have all been here and now my son is asking me about Valentines Cards...ugh!
So Christmas went off really well. We had a really laid back Christmas with my family at my moms house and we didnt even do the big turkey dinner. We made a bunch of little appetizers and finger foods and had a laid back day with my Aunt Cindy and her family and my Grandma Cannell. It was awesome!! No one was running round trying to get the table set or getting all cleaned up after opening presents cause we needed room for ppl to sit down at the extended tables.. it was just so relaxed and fun!
Now 2009 is here and well I am hoping that it brings more joy instead of sorrow. I have lost alot of loved ones last year and seriously I need a good year with lots of blessings!! One blessing we have this year is little Gavin. Brooke and Matts little boy. He has brought a new outlook on life in our family and it is just a wonderful joy to have a baby back in the family. I am sure there will be more wonderful things to look forward to this year, one is that we are planning on going to yellowstone this summer for a week. A true vacation for our family and I hope it all works out and will be alot of fun.
Well I guess that is all for right now, I have kids playing the Wii right now and they are bowling telling me I need to come and help them knock down more pins..lol. We love the wii and I love watching Jaydin play it. He gets all into it and pretty soon he is biting his tongue while he is playing and making all these weird faces..it is just hillarious!
Well until later !
Posted by Heather Parchen at 11:22 AM 1 comments